Sabtu, 21 November 2009

How to Make Wheat Gluten

Wheat gluten , literally “noodle/dough tendon” (also spelled mien chin or mien ching) is a really versatile “vegetarian” ingredient. It is also called seitan (pronounced /ˈseɪtæn/), wheat meat, gluten meat, or simply gluten. Seitan is popular among vegetarian and macrobiotic eaters as a vegetarian meat alternative to tofu based products. For some people, it is their preferred meat substitute.

All you need is flour to knead into a dough, water to wash the dough and oil to fry the gluten. Be confident about making this on your own because it is extremely easy, not to mention healthy, as you are making it in your own kitchen. Moreover, it is quite an experience to make it for the first time as you will be amazed at how the dough transforms into a rubbery texture (gluten) after washing it in running water.


  • 500 grams (about 4 cups) of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Water
  • Oil for deep frying

Use a strong bread flour if possible as it contains more gluten.


  1. Place flour into a suitable bowl for kneading. Add salt.
  2. Gradually add water as you knead the flour into a dough and let it stand for 2 hours covered by a piece of moist cloth.
  3. Wash the dough. With the dough resting in a bowl, place bowl in kitchen sink and turn on the tap. Allow water from tap (medium flow) to run into the bowl and start kneading dough in the running water. Yes, keep kneading and washing the dough. The water will turn milky as the starch will be washed away but keep kneading. The dough will eventually shrink to about 20% of its original size and it will feel rubbery.
  4. Keep kneading till the water becomes clear. Remove and drain.
  5. Heat oil in a wok. Pinch a piece of washed dough (it’s like rubber) about 2cm x 2cm and fry it till it puffs up and turns golden brown.
  6. Manage the heat from the stove so that the oil does not over heat. Dish up and place on kitchen napkins to absorb excess oil.

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Jumat, 20 November 2009

Top Tips For Being a Healthy Vegetarian

A number of people turn to vegetarianism thinking that it is the shortcut to acquiring a lean and thin physique. However, this can be considered only a myth, as there are several obese and unhealthy vegetarian people that one can see around everyday. It is essential to note that turning vegetarian is not the solution to a healthy lifestyle. There is a greater need to focus on nutritious foods that must be included in the vegetarian diet. Furthermore, it is extremely important to ensure that carbs such as potato are not out of balance with your overall diet.

Problems get further complicated when the carbs are consumed in fried form. As a result, dieticians strongly advise against the consumption of pastas, pizzas and chips that may have been produced from vegetarian ingredients but are still unhealthy. Likewise, protein rich food products such as rice and beans that provide stamina increase calorie count to a large extent. However, if these products are consumed in steamed or boiled form their negative impact can be minimized to a great level.

Many people who turn to vegetarianism continue with their unhealthy eating habits. For example, they do not stop consuming junk foods on a regular basis. As you would expect, this prevents them from losing the weight that they hope to get rid of while turning vegetarian. It is also important to focus on the cooking techniques to learn about ways in which healthy and delicious food can be eaten without adding those extra calories. For example, the Chinese style of cooking raw vegetables has been found to be one of the most effective and nutritious methods of preparing vegetarian meals. There are several websites that contain useful and simple to prepare vegetarian recipes that can be tried out to enjoy wholesome nutritious vegetable delicacies. This is a useful way to stay healthy while being on a vegetarian diet regime.

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Kamis, 19 November 2009

Asparagus Salad

Yields : 6 servings

Time :
10 minutes

  • ¼ c lemon juice
  • ¼ c olive oil
  • 20 kalamata olives, chopped
  • 1/3 c fresh mint, chopped
  • 1½ pounds asparagus,steamed and cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
  • small red onion, finely chopped
  • salt
  • pepper
  • optional garnish: crumbled goat cheese
Directions :
Whisk together lemon juice, olive oil, olives, and mint, then toss with remaining ingredients. Top with goat cheese and serve at room temperature or chilled.

Notes :
In the original recipe, the asparagus is halved lengthwise, and the bell pepper and onion are thinly sliced. I
find that arrangement, while lovely, is kind of awkward to eat, which is why I just chop everything up.

Article Source :

Selasa, 17 November 2009

Vegetable Lovers' Fried Rice


  • 1 1/2 cups uncooked long-grain white rice
  • 3 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided
  • 1/3 cup chopped onion
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and minced
  • 5 eggs, beaten
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce, divided
  • 2 stalks celery, thinly sliced
  • 4 ounces mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 green bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 (8 ounce) can bamboo shoots, drained
  • 2 carrots, shredded
  • 3/4 cup snow peas
  • 3 green onions, sliced


  1. Place rice and water in a medium saucepan, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 20 minutes, or until rice is tender. Transfer to a medium container, and place in the refrigerator 1 hour, or until chilled.
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onion and garlic, and cook until tender.
  3. In a medium bowl, blend eggs and 1 tablespoon soy sauce. Stir into the medium skillet, and cook until no longer runny. Remove onion, garlic, and eggs from heat, and set aside. Chop any large egg chunks into small pieces.
  4. Heat the remaining oil in a large, heavy skillet over medium heat. Stir in the celery, mushrooms, and green pepper. Cook until tender but firm. Stir in rice, bamboo shoots, carrots, and snow peas. Season with remaining soy sauce. Cook and stir 5 minutes, or until rice is heated through. Mix in the onion, garlic, and eggs.

Nutritional Information open nutritional information

Amount Per Serving Calories: 243 | Total Fat: 7.1g | Cholesterol: 132 mg

Article Source:

Jumat, 13 November 2009

The Benefits of Enjoying Vegetarian Food

Vegetarianism is the act of eliminating meat from the diet. This includes chicken, fish, beef, pork, or any other form of meat. Some people choose this diet out of respect for animals, while others enjoy these eating habits for their health benefits. Below are some of the main benefits of eating healthy vegetarian food recipes.

Benefit 1: You will have lower levels of cholesterol, which is commonly caused by eating a lot of red meats.

Benefit 2: Vegetarianism helps to decrease the amount of toxins in the body. Fresh fruits and vegetables do not introduce nearly as many toxins as meat.

Benefit 3: You will have lower blood pressure, which is wonderful especially if you currently have high blood pressure.

Benefit 4: You will have a lower risk of heart attack or stroke.

Benefit 5: The food is delicious and will give you the energy your body needs.

Benefit 6: Vegetarian recipes are very nutritious! You will be eating a variety of vegetables, which are rich in nutrients and vitamins that your body needs to stay healthy.

As you can see, eating a vegetarian diet does not come without its own list of great benefits. One of my favorite vegetarian food recipes is a simple salad with cheese cubes. It's incredibly delicious, and you can put almost anything in a salad. Finish it off with your favorite salad dressing and you have yourself a great meal or snack, depending on the size of your bowl!

Vegetarian food recipes are incredibly healthy for you and can be a lot of fun too. If you have any favorite meat recipes, you can alter them to become vegetarian by substituting meat for something else. Get creative with your diet and have fun with your cooking. Your body will thank you, and so will your family.

Why Become Vegan

After eating meat and animal products your whole life, you may ask yourself why should I consider the change to a vegetarian lifestyle. For most of your life you have survived on eating eggs, hamburgers, hot dogs, poultry, so why change now?

To honestly answer this question you need to start by looking in the mirror. Is your weight at a healthy level compared to your height? Do you look and feel good about yourself? Are your energy levels where they should be or do you wake up tired and sluggish?

What you eat on a daily basis definitely has an effect on your general health, as well as your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels and much more.

When you eat the right foods that your body responds to, you should feel energized rather than tired and sluggish and feeling like you need a nap after a meal. How do you feel after eating? Food should nourish and feed the body and leave us energized and refreshed.

A delicious vegetarian meal, eliminating animal by-products will have your body running in peak condition like a well-oiled machine. It needs the right kind of fuel to run at peak efficiency, and when you're eating high-fat meat, or meat that's been fed antibiotics throughout its life, that's simply not the kind of fuel the human body flourishes on.

If you are serious about your health why not try eating vegetarian for a set period. Your body will respond in a way you have not seen previously giving you extra energy, feeling more mentally acute and more physically fit. The change can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being.

To maximize the 'healthy heart benefits' of a vegetarian food lifestyle for you and your loved ones you will need to master the art of cooking quality, mouthwatering, delicious meals that are easy to prepare and sumptuous to eat.